Frequently Asked Questions?
You’ve signed up as interested in our broadband internet service; here’s what you may expect:
Follow-up emails
You will receive an initial email based on the address you entered on the interest form or that you provided to our representative over the phone.
After the initial email, you will receive an update email every 5-6 weeks leading up to our ability to provide you with services. These emails will provide information regarding the services and experiences offered to you once you are a GigaBeam subscriber. We encourage you to monitor our website for your specific broadband project. Updates are listed there for your convenience.
Evaluate location
A technician will evaluate your area as we are closer to offering services at your location. During this phase, someone will confirm if you are in the fiber path, if there are any obstacles (such as right-of-way), or if you can receive our fixed wireless internet.
Drop construction
For customers receiving fiber internet, the next step is drop construction. This process is when the crew connects the primary fiber to the outside of your home or business. Before our employees arrive for this step, we will need your help with information. We must know if any hazards or issues may prevent us from completing the work. Examples include buried landscaping or utilities, locked gates, fencing, or outdoor pets. If your home has any concerns, email us at to confirm. When we are at your home completing the drop construction, you do not need to be present.
Scheduling installation
After the drop construction is complete, you will receive a phone call or an email to determine a date for installation in your home or business. A technician will set up your equipment, confirm you have been able to download the GigaFi app and answer general questions you may have regarding the service. For this step, a responsible adult must be home. A minor may not sign off on the installation process. If you cannot keep to a scheduled appointment, please provide at least 24 hours’ notice whenever possible.
Enjoy your internet experience
After your service is connected, remember we are here for you. Our GigaGeeks are available to answer your questions by phone or email. You may contact them at or 540-726-2317. Also, remember to sign up below for our newsletter, GigaGeek’s Corner. We provide you with resources and tips ensuring you have the best possible experience GigaBeam Networks!